Improving the Quality of the Indoor Air You Breathe: Four Great Ideas for You

Most of us may think of air pollution as something outside our homes and offices – haze, smog, low level ozone etc. The fact is the air inside our houses and offices can be as polluted as the outside air. The invisible culprits are household dust (lead), fire-retardants, formaldehyde, radon, chemicals from fragrances in conventional cleaners and fresheners and even deodorants and synthetic perfumes.

Four great ideas for you to improve indoor air quality

1.Keeping the floors fresh

2.Maintaining a healthy level of humidity

Mold and dust mites thrive in moisture. Keeping the humidity levels around 30%-50% can help you control the air pollutants. An air conditioner and a dehumidifier are extremely beneficial in reducing humidity indoors. Air conditioners also help reduce indoor pollen count — another benefit for allergy sufferers.

Other tips for dehumidifying a house:

3. No smoking inside your house

One of the reasons for indoor air pollution is cigarette smoke. It contains more than four thousand chemicals. As per research, secondhand smoke can increase a child’s risk of developing respiratory and ear infections, cancer, and asthma. For a smoker, this addiction can cause breathing problems, cancer, stroke and heart attacks.

If you wish to stop smoking, nicotine-replacement therapy, support groups, and other medications can be very helpful. Find a way out that works best for you.

4. Checking your HVAC system for leaks:

One of the biggest causes for indoor air pollution is a leaking HVAC system. There can be times when a unit starts to emit carbon monoxide and other deadly gases inside the house. Being odorless, carbon monoxide is hard to detect and can only be evident through the detrimental health effects it begins to have on the members of the family. To avoid this situation, it is best to get your HVAC system checked and cleaned every season. You must also install carbon monoxide detectors within the house to be on the safer side.

It would be good for you to hire an expert HVAC cleaner to make sure your system is working efficiently and is at its best potential.

These little measures can go a long way in helping you keep your house fresh and your family healthy. Let in fresh air as often as you can and use chemical-free cleaners to clean the house.