Energy saving with higher efficiency rating

Did you know that your heating and air conditioning systems account for around 60% of your entire utility bills? The higher the SEER rating, the more energy efficient your air conditioning equipment will be.

So what is SEER rating? It is the efficiency level of a central air conditioner determined by its ‘seasonal energy efficiency ratio’ (SEER). Technically, it refers to the cooling output provided by the air conditioning unit during its normal annual usage period divided by the total energy consumption.

An average air conditioner manufactured 10 years ago offered an efficiency rating of 10 to 12 Seer. Comparatively new central air conditioning units available in the market today provide efficiency rating that average to 13 Seer. An air conditioner rated at 13 Seer uses 30% less electricity compared to a 10 Seer system.

When you decide to buy a home air conditioning system, it is recommended that you select a system that offers a higher Seer rating. Over a period of time, it will ‘pay for itself’ in terms of energy savings that lead to lower utility bills.

When it comes to repair or maintenance all you need to do is pick up the phone and call 72 Degrees Cooper Brothers heating and air conditioning contractors. Certified technicians at the San Jose HVAC company have years of experience in the HVAC industry. From fixing your HVAC systems that need repair to maintaining your entire heating and cooling equipment, 72 Degrees Cooper Brothers do it all. You can also ask for a comfort advisor to analyze your home’s needs and offer technical advice on equipment that ensures home comfort. This leads to increased efficiency, decreased utility cost, and extended life of your family comfort system. Visit for more information or call (408) 649-2008 for an appointment.