Safe heating with electric portable heaters

Using portable room heaters needs a little more care than central heater systems as all HVAC appliances and room heaters could also pose safety problems if and when they are not handled with caution and care. Though a little more expensive than combustion portable space heaters, electric heaters are safer for indoor heating. All you need to make sure is that your portable heater has an effective thermostatic control. This means that the heater will warm the room and then automatically switch off, and remain off until the temperature is maintained in the room. Once the temperature in the room begins to dip, the heater switches on again.

There are some rules you need to follow when you purchase a portable room heater. Make sure that your system is plugged into the electric board on the wall. If the switchboard is too far and you need to use an extension cord, make sure you use a heavy-duty one. Ensure that your unit has a tip-over switch, which will enable the unit to switch off automatically in the event of voltage fluctuation.

Repairing and maintaining portable room heaters is not a problem. You can contact 72 Degrees Cooper Brothers, the heating and air conditioning contractors who undertake repair and replacement air conditioning and heating for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the Santa Clara County area. Certified technicians at the San Jose HVAC Company are experts at fixing your entire heating and cooling equipment. Visit for more information or call (408) 649-2008 – for an appointment.