Some important HVAC terms

According to a report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, air conditioning & heating is responsible for nearly 50% of the energy usage in the US. During the summer months.

So why not employ aspects that are green and help the environment remain green? The EPA says that installing a programmable thermostat will save about $150 per year. It also encourages people to maintain ideal temperatures, which range between 72 degrees to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating and cooling air conditioners work best when they are well maintained with periodic checks by a skilled technician.

Here are some EPA terms that every residential heating & air conditioning owner should know.

AFUE or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency is a furnace rating. It represents the percentage of heat produced for every dollar of fuel used by you. The EPA had pegged the current minimum AFUE at 78%.

HSPF or Heating Seasonal Performance Factor refers to the rating of heating efficiency, mainly for heat pumps. The current minimum HSPF is 7.7.

SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio refers to the measure of a central air conditioner’s efficiency. Factors such as performance and the quantity of electricity they consume form the basis of the ratio calculation. Ideal SEER ratings communicated by the EPA range between 13 and 18.

EER or Energy Efficiency Ratio is a measure of the immediate energy efficiency of the cooling system. It is the heat energy removal steady-state rate calculated in terms of Btuh divided by the steady-state rate of energy input in watts. Expressed in Btuh per watt (Btuh/watt), this ratio is said to be ideal AHRI 210/240, which is also declared as the standard.

Upgrade your gas furnace to Energy Star-labeled unit with an AFUE rating of at least 90, or your central home air conditioning systems to Energy Star-labeled unit with SEER rating of 12. Check whether your insulation complies with the DOE-recommended levels. Heating system maintenance such as sealing leaks in the building shell to arrest air infiltration and installing a thermostat can result in annual saving of approximately $150 a year.

Call 72 Degrees Cooper Brothers to talk to a Comfort Advisor, who will pay you a visit and perform an Engineering Analysis of your house or office. The air conditioning and heating contractor will help to minimize your risk by appointing a contractor with a Technician Seal of Safety. To know more, visit their official website or call at (408) 649-2008.