Say goodbye to HVAC dust accumulation

Air conditioning & heating equipment need to be kept free of dirt and particulates. Regular cleaning ensures that all parts of the HVAC system can operate to their highest efficiency. This leads to greater sustainability and lower life cycle expenses. Dirt accumulation on the heat transfer surfaces cause energy to be diverted from the system, resulting in cooling the dirt instead of cooling the facility.

Periodic manual cleaning and careful maintenance of the basin or chiller tubes is necessary for long equipment life and cost saving. Special care needs to be taken to clean tubes of heating and air duct and this process is time consuming. When dirt and grime are left to accumulate in the tubes and ducts of the residential heating & air conditioning equipment, it can affect your health as there is a risk of developing Legionella and other diseases. Plus, the dirt in the HVAC systems decreases their efficiency.

72 Degrees Cooper Brothers is a company that provides air conditioning and heating repair, maintenance, and replacement services. Leave the cleaning of your air conditioning, heating, and duct design to this San Jose air conditioner contractors who also offer indoor air quality analysis for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in and around Santa Clara County. Heating & air conditioning services provided by the HVAC service and repair company are sure to bring a smile on your lips. Call them at (408) 649-2008 or visit their official website: for more details.