How to Maintain Good Indoor Air Quality This Fall

Allergies usually begin to flare up in the fall. That’s why those who have them tend to spend more time indoors during this season. However, staying indoors won’t do allergy sufferers any good if the air quality inside is bad. The furnace replacement experts at Cooper Brothers, Inc. have listed below the most common indoor air quality (IAQ) challenges and their corresponding solutions. 

Low Humidity Levels 

As winter approaches, the air becomes drier. Your HVAC unit can heat the air, but it can’t add moisture back into it. As a result, indoor humidity levels tend to drop in the fall and winter. Dry air can dry out skin and prevent the mucus in your sinuses from flowing properly, leading to congestion and even sinusitis. 

Installing a humidifier can help alleviate some of these symptoms. A humidifier adds water vapor to the air to balance out the humidity levels. 

Dust and Allergens 

You’ll be spending a lot more time indoors once the weather starts getting chilly. However, many homeowners forget to do a bit of necessary end-of-summer cleaning before fall arrives. Apart from dusting off shelves and furniture, you should also have your air vents, ducts and filters cleaned. Filthy air filters not only spread allergens inside your home, they also hamper air circulation. 

It would also be a good idea to have your entire HVAC unit inspected in preparation for winter. Just make sure only experienced HVAC technicians handle your home furnace repair work. 

Musty Smells and Artificial Air Fresheners 

Cleaning your air ducts and filters can also eliminate musty odors. But if it doesn’t, avoid using artificial air fresheners to cover these smells. Most manufacturers fail to list all the chemicals used on the product’s label. For all you know, they may have used chemicals that can further irritate the sinuses. Essential oils are a safe and natural alternative. 

Looking for an experienced HVAC technician in your area? Cooper Bros Inc., a contractor with more than two decades’ worth of experience, offers a wide range of HVAC services, including furnace and AC repair. To get a free estimate on the installation of a new system, call us at (408) 659-8879 or leave us a message on this form