How to Protect Your Central HVAC System During Remodeling

Any remodeling project can be hard on your central HVAC system. You can expect large amounts of airborne dust during construction, so you’ll want to make every effort to minimize the negative impact of home renovations on your heating and cooling equipment.

Before you begin with your home improvement project, follow this advice from Cooper Brothers:

Consult Your HVAC Professional

After laying the groundwork for your remodeling project, discuss your plan with your trusted AC repair or furnace installation technician. An HVAC professional who knows your system can determine whether some aspects of the job might be detrimental to your heating and cooling units.

Keep the Mess Outside

Dust may be inevitable, but it can be reduced. One way to minimize the amount of contaminants in the air inside your house is by moving prep activities such as sanding and cutting outside.

Close Registers and Vents

Restrict the entry of dust into your HVAC system by closing off your registers and vents for the time being. You shouldn’t be using your heating or cooling equipment during construction anyway, but if you must run your furnace or AC, make sure enough registers and vents are open to prevent choking your units.

Put a Premium on Dust Control

Any furnace and air conditioner repair specialist will advise you to ask your remodeler about dust control. There must be a protocol in place to protect sensitive HVAC equipment from construction dirt and debris. Also, make sure your home improvement contractor is contractually obliged to clean the work areas regularly.

Maintain the Filter More Often

The frequency of air filter maintenance doubles during remodeling projects. Don’t let appearances fool you; a rather clean-looking filter can still be clogged enough to inhibit proper airflow.

Schedule Duct Cleaning Afterward

To reduce the chances of dealing with an emergency AC or home furnace repair, have your entire duct system cleaned post-renovation. It is best to schedule your duct-cleaning appointment in advance and get it done right after construction ends in order to minimize indoor air pollution.

Let Cooper Brothers help keep your central HVAC system in good shape both before and after your home improvement. Call us at (408) 649-2008 to request a consultation in San Jose on a date that’s convenient for you.