How to Save Money on Your Heating Costs This Winter

While you may not need extensive home furnace repairs or replacements in preparation for a California winter, it’s still a good idea to make sure your system is in good shape before the temperature starts to drop. Even mild winters can put a lot of strain on heating systems like furnaces and heat pumps, so it’s important to keep on top of all your maintenance requirements to make sure you’re not surprised by sudden heating problems.

Even in relatively mild climates, wintertime can still mean a slight increase in your energy bills due to heating use. Here are a few tips from our experts at Cooper Bros on how to maximize your heating performance during this time of the year.

Don’t neglect maintenance. Ask your local heating and AC repair company if they offer regular maintenance programs. It’s easy to forget when you should have your system tuned up for the season, but having a professional keep track of your inspection schedule can help you stay up-to- date on all your maintenance needs. A poorly-maintained HVAC system can be a huge energy drain. Save a percentage of your monthly bills by making sure your heating is working properly before winter starts.

Clean your filters. A lot of HVAC performance issues can be mitigated just by making sure your air and furnace filters aren’t clogged. Dust and other contaminants can clutter up your filters over time, which is why experts recommend regularly cleaning or changing them at least once every 30 days.

A little cold can be good. Many furnace replacement and energy experts say that for every degree you turn your thermostat down this winter, you can save up to 1% on your energy bill. Lower temperatures during times of low use to save up to 10% annually on your heating costs.

Keep your heating system in tip-top shape with our professionals at Cooper Bros, your trusted provider of HVAC repair, replacement and maintenance services. Give us a call at (408) 649-2008 or fill out our contact form and request a free estimate on new HVAC installations today.