Should You Perform Air Conditioner Maintenance On Your Own?

Air conditioner repair and maintenance are two things that shouldn’t be delayed. Routine maintenance is essential to the efficiency and longevity of your heating and cooling system, and can also reduce the likelihood of malfunctions and a complete system breakdown.

Is it a good idea to do air conditioner maintenance on your own? Read on to find out.

Is AC Maintenance a DIY Job?

Like AC repair, you should leave your cooling system’s maintenance to experienced professionals. These tasks require training as well as the use of proper tools. Skilled technicians know how to properly assess and inspect air conditioners. They can easily determine if it needs repair s or just extra care. They can check and recharge the refrigerant, clean condenser coils, lubricate motors, check pressure levels and calibrate your thermostat.

Maintenance Tasks You Can Do Yourself

Replace the Air Filter

HVAC filters should be replaced every one to  three months. The more you use your air conditioner, the more often you should check if the filter needs cleaned or replaced. Also, keep in mind that less expensive filters may need to be replaced more frequently.

Clean Outdoor Units 

Make sure that nothing is growing within a foot of your outdoor condenser. Remove bushes, weeds and grass growing too close to the unit. There should also be no gravel or other debris near the cabinet.

Inspect Room Vents

There should be no furniture or obstructions blocking your air vents. Blocked vents can cause the pressure inside the ventilation system to increase, which can damage the ducts and cause them to leak.

For quality HVAC maintenance services, turn to Cooper Brothers, Inc. We’re here to help with all your air conditioning and home furnace repair needs. Call us at (408) 649-2008 or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. We work with clients in San Jose and the surrounding areas.