The Causes of Common HVAC Odors

Your HVAC system helps improve your home’s air quality while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. However, at times it can emit strange odors which indicate different things, including HVAC emissions that contribute to poor air quality.

In this post, your leading HVAC expert, Cooper Brothers, Inc., explains what causes some of the common odors coming from your home’s heating and cooling system.

Rotten Eggs

As most people rarely have rotten eggs in their home, the smell of sulfur or rotten eggs is most likely a sign of a natural gas leak. Manufacturers add a chemical to odorless natural gas so that when a leak happens it can be easily detected. If you suspect that your house has a gas leak, get out immediately and call a professional.

If it has been determined that you don’t have a gas leak, then the smell may be coming from a dead animal in your ductwork or HVAC system. Have a technician remove the dead animal for your safety and comfort.

Electrical Odor

The moment you smell an electrical scent from your HVAC, turn it off and don’t turn it back on until it’s been inspected by a certified technician like Cooper Brothers, Inc. Our team of experts specializes in furnace and air conditioner repair.

Turning your system back on before doing this may not only damage it, but could also cause severe injuries and even death due to a house fire.

Gas Smell

If you smell gas while starting up your furnace, it’s best to turn it back off and have the system checked by a technician. The furnace may not be igniting properly, which could cause gas buildup in the system. There may also be a crack in the heat exchanger, which could cause carbon monoxide poisoning. The smell of gas emanating from your HVAC unit should be taken seriously because it can lead to a fire.

Dirty Sock Odor

The odor of dirty socks coming out of your air conditioner means that there may be mold or mildew growth inside of it–dust and air moisture can cause mildew to build up on your unit’s evaporator coil. To get rid of this smell, have the evaporator coil, condensation system and ductwork cleaned.

Proper maintenance is necessary for the longevity and performance of your HVAC system. At Cooper Brothers, Inc., we’re your leading provider of HVAC services. We offer services like air conditioner replacement and ductwork repair. Call us at (408) 649-2008 to learn more, or complete our online form.