The Top 4 Things to Do For Your HVAC Before Going on Vacation

Summer is the perfect time to leave your troubles behind and go on vacation. However, with all the hustle and bustle that often accompany preparing for and actually leaving on said vacation, many homeowners tend to forget some important things. One of these is properly setting their HVAC systems to keep them from consuming too much energy while you’re away.

Thankfully, the AC repair professionals at Cooper Brothers, Inc. can tell you the four best things you can do for your HVAC system before leaving on your getaway.

Raise the Thermostat –  Since you’re going to be away from the house, your HVAC system doesn’t need to keep it at a comfortable temperature. With that in mind, raise the temperature before leaving so you can save money on your energy bills. If you’re leaving during the summer or you live in a hot climate, set it to 85 degrees. For winter and areas that are cold, on the other hand, turn it down to 65 degrees.

Surge Protection – Even in the summer, severe thunderstorms can occur which could cause your home to lose power and potentially damage your HVAC system. Installing a surge protector for the system can help ensure that the unit won’t be damaged in the event of an electrical outage.

Air Filter Maintenance – As the system is still going to be running while you’re away, it’s best to get an air conditioner repair professional to clean your air filter before you leave. That way, any malfunctions can easily be spotted and taken care of before you leave home.

Routine Maintenance – Of course, proactive maintenance is still the best way to prevent trouble. Before leaving for your trip, have an HVAC technician do an inspection of the system to see if any possible issues are threatening to manifest soon. They should also check the condition of the coils, refrigerant levels and electrical connections during the inspection.

Turn to Cooper Brothers, Inc. for your HVAC maintenance needs. We’re your leading provider of home furnace repair and indoor air quality services. Give us a call at (408) 659-8879 or fill out the contact form on our homepage for a free new systems estimate. We serve clients in San Jose and other nearby areas.