Why Is There a Grinding Noise Coming From Your Heat Pump or Furnace?

Keeping your heating system in good shape is a year-round priority. That’s why you’ll want to keep tabs on its condition and make sure to check that there aren’t any loud grinding noises coming from your heat pump or furnace when it’s operating. But what should you do if there are? The premier furnace and AC repair company, Cooper Brothers, Inc. shares why your heat pump or furnace is making grinding noises here and how you can deal with them.

On Heat Pumps

The loud, worrisome sound you’re hearing may indicate compressor problems. This component serves as the core of your heat pump, and when the compressor is worn out, it creates a metallic grinding noise. This usually means this component will need to be entirely replaced to ensure your heat pump can deliver the reliable heating performance you’ve come to expect. 

Loose or damaged blower fan belts also generate these grinding noises. This occurs when the loose belt rubs up against the other components within the system. When overlooked, the belt can damage these other parts and negatively affect the way your heat pump functions. You want to avoid this, of course, so have the unit checked immediately by a trusted heat pump and home furnace repair company like Cooper Brothers, Inc., who’ll assess the severity of the issue and provide the appropriate fix.

On the Furnace

One typical reason for grinding noises in the furnace is a busted blower wheel. It may have become loose from the motor wheel, in which case you’ll need a professional HVAC technician to tighten the wheel. The blower wheel might be broken instead, which will require a quick replacement, or perhaps the motor mount has been damaged, causing the whole blower assembly to drop and hit the housing. Whatever the case, once you hear a metallic grinding noise, turn the heating system off promptly and consult a reliable HVAC company for the necessary solution.

In this area, that would be the leading furnace replacement and repair company, Cooper Brothers, Inc. With our unmatched workmanship and decades of industry experience, we’ll restore your heating system to exceptional condition and extend its service life. Our service areas include the cities in and around San Jose, CA. Call us today at (408) 649-2008 or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.