Your Home Isn’t Haunted, It’s Just Drafty

Have you been experiencing unusual occurrences at home lately, such as strange noises and the sudden slamming of doors? Restless spirits aren’t always to blame in instances such as these. Rather, your home likely has cold spots or drafts. 

Learn what causes drafts and how to deal with them from a furnace replacement expert. 

What Are Drafts?

Air leaks and insufficient insulation cause drafts. Professionals use infrared instruments to look for cold spots in your home, but you can also spot them by holding an incense stick in front of your window or door and watching to see how the smoke moves. Warm air usually escapes–and cold air enters–through cracks and gaps in window frames. Check to see if you can feel cold air seeping in through your window frames, especially around large or old windows. 

Proper application of caulk and high-quality weatherstripping will ensure window panes that fit snugly without gaps, eliminating drafts that could make your home uncomfortable this winter and even cause doors to slam unexpectedly. Don’t forget to check around your fireplace and frames of doors that lead outside as well.

What Causes HVAC Noises?

Chances are there’s something in your HVAC system if it’s making a rattling noise. Turn off the system and contact an AC repair expert to remove the obstacle. 

A hissing noise usually means air is escaping from your system. Your air ducts may be leaking if the noise is coming from the walls. Make sure this problem is addressed immediately because poor air circulation results in discomfort and higher energy bills. Keep in mind that duct repairs are best left to professionals.

Clanking noises indicate that there’s something wrong with your system, such as loose parts like the blower motor fan, blades or pipes rubbing against each other. 

Minimize drafts at home and extend the lifespan of your HVAC system with regular maintenance. At Cooper Bros Inc., we provide preventive care plans to homeowners to ensure their heating and cooling systems stay efficient. We also offer home furnace repair, air conditioner installation and duct repair services. Call us at (408) 659-8879 or fill out our online form to request a free new systems estimate.