Your HVAC System vs. Mold: How to Keep Your Building Mold-Free

When you think about mold, the first thing that often comes to mind is the fuzzy green gunk that grows on old food at the back of your fridge. Or perhaps you picture the blackened grout in the basement bathroom that’s impossible to get completely clean. What many don’t realize is that mold isn’t just an issue in residential properties; it can be a huge problem in commercial facilities, as well.

Cooper Brothers, Inc., the top commercial and home furnace repair contractor in the region, discusses mold in buildings and the role of HVAC systems in combating them below.

How HVAC Systems Help Fight Mold in Commercial Facilities

Your commercial HVAC units are key to stopping mold formation and preventing new spores from spreading. Your heating and cooling systems extract humidity from the air and make your building less attractive for spores. Air filtration minimizes the number of spores in your commercial property, helping prevent growth even when you turn off your HVAC units. 

Though this may be the case, your HVAC system also has aspects that can promote mold formation. For example, condensation in ducts, standing water in drip pans and moisture near vents can encourage spores and mold to develop. Maintaining your HVAC system regularly and scheduling furnace and AC repairs as needed will help improve ventilation and limit the possibility of mold growth.

Other Steps to Take

Here are some additional tips for preventing mold growth in your commercial facility:

If you need help preventing mold in your building. turn to the heating and air conditioner repair experts at Cooper Brothers, Inc. To schedule a FREE consultation, call us at (408) 662-1538 or fill out our contact form online today.