Air Purifiers: Can They Really Relieve Allergy Symptoms?

According to air conditioner replacement pros, air purifiers are additional systems that you can install in your home. As  the name implies, these purify the air in your home by removing pollutants from it. Sometimes when homeowners think about air purifiers, however, they wonder iif they can really help relieve them of their allergies.

Here, Cooper Bros answers the question of whether or not air purifiers can really relieve allergy symptoms.

Can Air Purifiers Help Stop Allergies?

Luckily for homeowners who suffer from allergies, the answer to this question is “yes”. Air purifiers can indeed help relieve symptoms of allergies. However, there are a few factors that you need to consider for an air purifier to work effectively. For instance, you need to think about the type of allergies from which you or members of your household may be suffering.

According to experts, if you suffer from indoor environmental allergies caused by dust, molds, dust mites and pet dander, air purifiers can help you fight these. This is because air purifiers are made to combat irritants in the air around your home to prevent homeowners against respiratory illnesses.

Other Factors You Should Take Into Consideration When Installing an Air Purifier

The kind of allergies from which you suffer are just one thing you need to think about when installing air purifiers around your house. Another thing you need to consider is the room in which you’ll install it. When installing air purifiers, some homeowners think that one should be put in the living room. In reality, however, air conditioner repair and installation experts say that it’s better to install it in your bedroom, as you spend more time there than you do your living room.

Another thing that homeowners need to consider is the type of air purifier being installed. If you want to relieve your allergy symptoms, it’s highly recommended that you choose a system that has HEPA filtration to remove allergens from the air. Avoid systems that have ozone or UV light, as neither feature removes the pollutants in your home’s indoor air.

If you want to install air purifiers in your home, don’t hesitate to turn to Cooper Bros. When it comes to air quality HVAC and commercial services, we/re the number one professionals to approach;  and you can count on us! Give us a call at (408) 649-2008 or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate.