How Rain Can Affect Your Air Conditioning Unit

When it comes to air conditioners, there’s usually an additional unit that’s placed outdoors where it’s exposed to the elements. As a homeowner who relies on the air conditioner on a daily basis, it’s understandable if you’re worried about the outdoor unit, especially when it rains. According to AC repair pros, however, you don’t actually have to worry much about this, as the outdoor unit is made to withstand heavy rain. This means that nothing will likely happen to it even during a storm. Despite this, however, there are other weather related problems that your AC unit may face that you’ll have to look out for ,such as:


While your air conditioner is made to withstand heavy rainfall, flooding is another thing entirely. This is because if the flood waters exceed 15 inches in depth,the moving parts and electrical components of your outdoor unit could be damaged and compromised. Therefore, if your area has experienced severe flooding, contact a professional like Cooper Bros to inspect the unit before starting it.

Storm Damage

Sometimes, storms that bring heavy rain can be accompanied by strong winds, and these strong winds can hurl objects such as tree branches or lawn furniture toward your home. If this occurs, the debris could hit your AC’s outdoor unit and damage it, or even deposit smaller debris inside the unit. With that in mind, once the storm has passed, don’t hesitate to hire an air conditioner repair professional to inspect the exterior and interior of the unit before you use it.

Make your search for air conditioner maintenance experts easier by turning to Cooper Bros. When it comes to AC and home furnace repair projects, we’re the number one professionals to talk to, and we won’t let you down! Give us a call at (408) 649-2008 or fill out our contact form to get a FREE estimate. We serve homeowners in San Jose and other nearby areas.