With spring nearing and the weather becoming warmer, you’re probably starting to use your air conditioner more to keep your home cool. You also may be worried that this will result in a significant increase in your electricity costs.

Fortunately, there are many ways to save energy and keep your utility bills low this spring. Cooper Bros shares some tips below.
Use a ceiling fan to cool off. If the weather is mild enough, you don’t have to rely on your air conditioner. To keep your living spaces well-ventilated and cool, you can use ceiling fans instead. Ceiling fans have a lower wattage and consume less power than AC units. They can also help keep your home at a cooler temperature and lower your electricity bills.
Have experts maintain your air conditioning unit. Keep your AC unit in optimal condition by scheduling regular inspections and maintenance. If repairs are needed, make sure to do them immediately. There are HVAC maintenance tasks that you can do yourself — for instance, cleaning or replacing the air filters. However, there are also several parts of your AC unit that are best checked and accessed by experts who have the appropriate skills and experience. HVAC units that aren’t properly tuned up can’t perform efficiently, so they tend to consume more energy.
Improve airflow and ventilation. Keep your living spaces from getting too hot by using exhaust fans and other ventilation devices. Reduce the strain on your air conditioner by making sure the warm air inside your home is properly vented out. To further improve airflow, you should place large appliances and pieces of furniture away from your vents. It may not look like it, but even how they’re arranged can affect your home’s energy efficiency and airflow — both of which can influence your HVAC system’s energy consumption and electricity bills.
Spring is a great time for HVAC maintenance and repairs, and Cooper Bros can help you with these tasks. We’re a reputable HVAC company with over 20 years of experience in the industry. To request a quote, fill out our contact form or call us at (408) 649-2008.